[solved] Adsense Ads Not Showing Up On My Blog
Adsense is the most common and profitable advertisement network from Google. As you know the Policies and terms of the Adsense is very strict. The approval also very difficult in the case of beginners. There is no more introduction needed about the Adsense. We are going straight to the topic.Some my readers asked me That ”Adsense ads not showing up on their blog“. I searched a lot on the internet and forums. Here this post was written from some conclusion I arrived by researching on some Google Product forum Posts.
if you use YouTube approve adsence Account so You can't fix it..
Steps To Follow: Adsense Ads Not Showing Up
The common Issue is “white or blank block instead of Adsense ads”. Follow the given steps to know what happens in your site.
1. Check whether your Adsense account is banned or not.
Remember your privies activities on your( any malpractice) and conform your part is OK. They will ban quickly when you do some malpractice. You will get an email from Adsense if your account is suspended or banned. Check your mail box and conform it.
2. Check your Browser issues
Check your browser, enable JavaScript, remove Ad blocker. Tell your friend to check whether your site is working or not.
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3. Check Ad placement issues
Don’t place more than the preferred ad per page. I think now the maximum count of ads in a page is 3. Read Adsense ad placement policy and apply in your site.
Some of also inserted the Ad code incorrectly. There is a tip to check whether your Adsense code is correctly implemented or not. Check your preview of site in other sites, for example In Blogger.com you can see the preview of the site InTemplate edit section. If you find any ads in the preview of you site, then the code is correctly implemented. You can check any other preview too, but it is not conformed yet. This might be best solution for Adsense ads not showing up problem
4. Hosted and Non Hosted Account issue.
In hosted account you can run Ads only in Youtube, Hubpages, Blogger and some other Google host partners. Please note that in blogger the Adsense hosted account works only in (dot)blogspot domain not on your custom domain. You can upgrade your Hosted account to Non hosted by submitting your site for approval.
5. Adsense PIN is not entered.
When you reached some threshold earning you will get confirmation of your Address and PIN . You have to conform your PIN. Check your mail box for any other mail from the Google and do what they said.
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